Nevis Tourism Authority

  •  Nevis Travel Guides  •  24 August 2015

Nevis travel information and resource

The Nevis Tourism Authority is the best resource for anyone visiting the island of Nevis.  Get the most comprehensive up to date information about traveling to Nevis from their website or any of their helpful and friendly staff.  The Tourism Authority’s website extensively details information about getting to Nevis, dining at restaurants, all of the great on island activities and even how to bring your pet with you to Nevis.

For more information

On Island
The Nevis Tourism Authority office is open Mon-Fri 8:00 am -5:00 pm.
You’ll find brochures there about many of the island’s activities and businesses.

By Web 

By Phone
Local 1-869-469-7550
From USA +1-407-287-5204
From Canada +1-403-770-6697
From UK +44(1) 305 233107
